Good Health and Well-Being



 Good Health and Well-Being 

   Good Health is also one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015. The official wording is: "To ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages". Taking care of your physical body is good for your mental health. Mind and body interact and influence each other in complex ways. Physical illness can make managing your mental well-being difficult. Stress, lack of energy, lack of sleep and other problems can also affect how you feel mentally. so, health care is very important especially among students. They need to take good care of their health at this young age. There are many activities they can participate in such as sports, climbing, running, and many more.

  Based on my experience, 20 May 2023, I participated in the Interfaith Run: Pace 4 Peace 3.0 program at Convest Hill, IIUM. I signed up for this programme because I want to occupy my free time with healthy activities. Participants in this programme will run 5 kilometers. This programme aims to encourage people to engage in healthy activities such as recreation. I am excited to participate in this program. we wore the same clothes and ran together. This can increase the spirit of sports in the soul. I thought running 5km would be simple, but it was both physically and mentally exhausting. This activity taught me a lot, especially about  the meaning of patience and hardship before success. This program promotes SDG 3 establish Good Health and Well-Being. Well-being is a feeling of satisfaction with life, a state characterized by health, happiness, and prosperity. this really important aspect in life.

         Conclusion, I hope more activities like this can be carried out and all groups can participate. this can encourage people about the importance of taking care of health. Health care needs to be emphasized when we are healthy because most types of medicine focus on treating an illness or injury, rather than keeping it from happening. But preventive medicine stops sickness before it starts 


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