Create Decent Work and Economic Growth

 SDG 8 ;Create Decent Work and Economic Growth

Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth - The Global Goals. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

Joy of Eid Open House UDCY

   On 17th May, I participated in the Joy of Eid Open House by UDCY. I became a committee in the program as a caterer. this is my first experience in being a committeee. before I joined this program I was an inactive and quiet person. I decided to dare myself to find new experiences. this program targets as many as 200 people can gather to enjoy a feast together to establish brotherhood. As a newcomer to this committee, I am afraid to entertain 200 people in one event. However, many seniors in this organization teach me about my work. they taught me a lot and gave me confidence. they are very helpful in carrying out tasks. I was amazed to see their good work, organized, disciplined and always working together.

        Throughout the programme, I became increasingly active in carrying out my responsibilities. Each committee completes its tasks in a timely and efficient manner. SDG 8 encourages sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all. As a committee member in this programme, I believe it provides valuable experience in developing soft skills. As we all know, soft skills are essential for training students to work. This provides adequate work for all.

     Subsequently becoming a committee member in any programme is really beneficial to my own development. I'm hoping that following the training, I'll be able to pursue further opportunities to hone my soft skills.


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